Bezer (city)

What Was Bezer in the Bible?

Bezer: A City of Refuge

Bezer is prominently mentioned in the Bible as one of the cities of refuge. The Hebrew name for Bezer is בֶּצֶר (beṣer), meaning “fortress” or “stronghold.” These cities were designated as safe havens where individuals who had accidentally killed someone could flee to avoid retribution from the victim’s family until they received a fair trial. Bezer is mentioned specifically in Deuteronomy 4:43, Joshua 20:8, Joshua 21:36, and 1 Chronicles 6:78.

Establishment and Purpose

The concept of cities of refuge was established by God to provide mercy and justice. According to Numbers 35:9-15, God commanded the Israelites to set aside six cities of refuge. These cities were to serve as sanctuaries where those guilty of accidental manslaughter could seek asylum. Bezer, located in the territory of Reuben in the wilderness on the plateau, was one of these cities (Deuteronomy 4:43).

Legal Protection and Due Process

The primary function of Bezer, along with the other cities of refuge, was to protect the unintentional killer from the avenger of blood until they could stand trial before the congregation (Joshua 20:8-9). This system ensured that justice was tempered with mercy, preventing blood feuds and ensuring a fair trial for the accused.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

God’s Provision of Justice and Mercy

The establishment of cities of refuge like Bezer highlights God’s character as both just and merciful. He provided a way to protect innocent life while ensuring that justice was served. Modern Christians can learn from this dual emphasis on justice and mercy. In a world often marked by vengeance and retribution, believers are called to uphold justice while extending mercy, reflecting God’s own nature (Micah 6:8).

Sanctuary in Times of Trouble

Bezer serves as a powerful metaphor for the refuge that God provides for His people. Just as Bezer was a physical place of safety for those in desperate need, God is a spiritual refuge for believers today. Psalm 46:1 reminds us that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Christians can take comfort in knowing that God offers them protection and sanctuary in times of distress.

Fairness and Due Process

The legal process associated with cities of refuge teaches the importance of fairness and due process. Modern Christians are encouraged to pursue justice in their communities, ensuring that all individuals are treated fairly and that the innocent are protected. This biblical principle can be applied to various aspects of life, including legal systems, community interactions, and personal relationships.

Connection to a Loving God

A God of Second Chances

The cities of refuge, including Bezer, illustrate God’s desire to provide second chances. They offered a means of redemption and protection for those who had made grave mistakes. This concept of second chances is central to the Christian faith. God’s love and grace provide believers with the opportunity to repent, receive forgiveness, and start anew (2 Corinthians 5:17).

God’s Protective Nature

Bezer’s role as a fortress and place of safety is a reflection of God’s protective nature. Throughout Scripture, God is depicted as a shield and protector for His people. Psalm 18:2 says, “The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge.” Christians today can trust in God’s protection, knowing that He is their ultimate refuge in times of trouble.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Ultimate Refuge

The concept of the city of refuge finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. He is the true refuge for sinners, offering protection and salvation from the consequences of sin. Just as Bezer provided a safe haven for those who had killed accidentally, Jesus offers eternal refuge for all who come to Him in faith. Hebrews 6:18-20 describes Jesus as the anchor for our souls, providing a place of safety and hope.

Redemption and Atonement

The cities of refuge were a part of the Old Testament legal system designed to protect the innocent. In a broader sense, they pointed to the ultimate redemption and atonement provided by Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus atoned for the sins of humanity, offering forgiveness and reconciliation with God (Romans 3:23-25). Believers can find assurance in Christ’s atonement, knowing that He has paid the price for their sins and provided a way for them to be reconciled to God.


Bezer, as a city of refuge, holds deep significance in the biblical narrative. It illustrates God’s provision of justice, mercy, and protection. The lessons from Bezer are timeless, teaching modern Christians about God’s character and His desire for a fair and merciful society. Ultimately, Bezer points to Jesus Christ, the ultimate refuge and redeemer. As believers seek to navigate the challenges of life, they can find solace in the refuge that God provides and the redemption offered through Jesus Christ.

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