
Who was Jeiel in the Bible?

Man living at the time of Divided Monarchy

Jeiel is a figure mentioned in 2 Chronicles 20:14 in the Bible. From a biblical perspective, Jeiel is described as a man living at the time of the Divided Monarchy. The Divided Monarchy refers to the period in Israel’s history when the nation split into two kingdoms after the reign of King Solomon. The northern kingdom was known as Israel, with its capital in Samaria, while the southern kingdom was called Judah, with its capital in Jerusalem.

In the context of 2 Chronicles 20:14, Jeiel is identified as the son of Mattaniah (H4983) and the father of Benaiah (H1141). Mattaniah and Benaiah are also mentioned in the same verse. This genealogical information highlights Jeiel’s family lineage and his place within the historical narrative of the Divided Monarchy.

The significance of Jeiel’s mention in this passage is not explicitly detailed in the text. However, in a broader biblical context, genealogies often serve to establish a person’s identity, lineage, and connection to the covenant community of Israel. In this case, Jeiel’s inclusion in the genealogy recorded in 2 Chronicles 20:14 may underscore his role within the community or his importance in the historical record of Judah.

As a biblical, it is important to approach biblical passages with reverence for the inspired and authoritative nature of Scripture. While Jeiel’s specific actions or significance beyond this genealogical mention are not explicitly elaborated upon in the text, his presence serves as a reminder of the continuity of God’s covenant promises throughout generations and the interconnectedness of individuals within the larger narrative of God’s redemptive plan.

In conclusion, Jeiel is a figure mentioned in 2 Chronicles 20:14, identified as a man living during the time of the Divided Monarchy, the son of Mattaniah, and the father of Benaiah. While the specific details of Jeiel’s life and actions are not expounded upon in the passage, his inclusion in the genealogy reflects his place within the historical context of Judah and the broader narrative of God’s covenant people.

2 Chronicles 20:14

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