
Who was John in the Bible?

Man living at the time of the New Testament

John, also known as Jonas or Jonah in the King James Version, was a man living at the time of the New Testament. He is first mentioned in Matthew 16:17, where Jesus refers to him as the father of Peter and Andrew. John was a significant figure in the Gospels and the early church.

In Matthew 16:17, Jesus affirms Peter’s confession of Him as the Christ, the Son of the living God, and acknowledges that this revelation was given to Peter by the Father in heaven. The name John in this context signifies a person who is blessed with divine insight and revelation.

In John 1:42, when Jesus meets Simon, he gives him the name Cephas (which means Peter). This renaming signifies Peter’s future role as a foundational leader in the church. John, in this instance, is associated with the beginning of a new identity and purpose for Peter.

The name Jonah or Jona is also used to refer to John in some instances, such as in Matthew 16:17. This name carries connotations of the Old Testament prophet Jonah, who was called to bring a message of repentance to the people. Similarly, John, as the father of Peter and Andrew, played a foundational role in the early church and the spread of the gospel message.

Overall, John represents a figure who is instrumental in the establishment and growth of the Christian faith, particularly through his relationship with Peter and Andrew and his association with key moments in the ministry of Jesus. His name signifies divine revelation, a new identity, and a call to proclaim the message of salvation.

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