
What does it mean that God is great?

Brief Answer

God’s greatness means that He is supreme, all-powerful, all-knowing, and completely sovereign over all creation. His greatness encompasses His authority, majesty, holiness, and boundless love. The Bible repeatedly declares God’s unmatched greatness as an encouragement for believers to trust, worship, and find comfort in Him.

Understanding God’s Greatness from a Biblical Perspective

The greatness of God is a foundational theme throughout Scripture. Psalm 145:3 proclaims, “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.” This verse reminds us that God’s greatness is beyond human comprehension.

Attributes that Reflect God’s Greatness:

  • Omnipotence (All-Powerful): God has the power to create, sustain, and redeem His creation (Jeremiah 32:17).
  • Omniscience (All-Knowing): God knows everything—past, present, and future (Psalm 147:5).
  • Sovereignty: God rules over all with complete authority and wisdom (Daniel 4:35).
  • Holiness: God’s greatness is rooted in His perfect moral purity and righteousness (Isaiah 6:3).

God’s greatness is not just about His power but also about His unmatched character, including His mercy, justice, and love.

Historical Context

In ancient times, people often believed in many gods, each with limited power or authority over certain aspects of life. The God of Israel stood in contrast to these beliefs. The biblical declaration that the Lord alone is great emphasized His supremacy over all things.

For example, in 1 Kings 18, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to demonstrate the greatness of their god. When Baal failed to respond, but the Lord sent fire from heaven, it was a powerful display of God’s greatness and His sovereignty over creation.

The psalms often reflected Israel’s recognition of God’s greatness in delivering them from slavery, guiding them through the wilderness, and defeating their enemies. Their songs of praise—like Psalm 95:3, which says, “For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods”—expressed their awe and trust in God’s power and faithfulness.

Practical Implications

Understanding God’s greatness has practical implications for daily living:

  • Worship and Reverence: Recognizing God’s greatness leads us to a deeper posture of worship and awe.
  • Trust in Hard Times: When life is uncertain, we can trust in God’s sovereignty and power to work all things for good (Romans 8:28).
  • Humility: Knowing that God is infinitely greater than we are helps cultivate humility.
  • Obedience: God’s greatness reminds us that His commands are rooted in His wisdom and authority.

Theological Depth and Insight

God’s greatness is often linked with His “aseity,” a theological term that means God is self-existent and independent. Unlike humans, who are dependent on God for life and purpose, God exists from eternity past without need or limitation (Revelation 1:8). This truth reinforces the idea that His greatness is intrinsic to who He is.

Furthermore, God’s greatness is displayed in His ability to perform miracles and bring about His divine will. The creation account in Genesis 1 demonstrates His unmatched power as He speaks the universe into existence.

Broader Biblical Themes

  • Creation Declares God’s Greatness: The natural world points to God’s majesty and power. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”
  • Salvation Magnifies God’s Greatness: God’s greatness is not only seen in His creation but also in His plan of redemption. The cross is the ultimate demonstration of His justice and mercy.
  • Future Restoration: God’s greatness will be fully revealed when Christ returns to establish His eternal kingdom.

The Role of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit helps believers recognize and experience God’s greatness:

  • Illumination: The Spirit opens our eyes to see God’s glory in His Word.
  • Empowerment: The Spirit enables us to live lives that reflect God’s greatness.
  • Comfort: The Spirit reminds us of God’s greatness when we feel weak or overwhelmed.

Ephesians 3:20-21 affirms the Spirit’s power in us: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”

Relevance for Today’s Christian

In today’s world, where people often place their hope in human achievements or material possessions, remembering God’s greatness helps us:

  • Find peace in His control amid chaos.
  • Prioritize worship over worry.
  • Share His greatness with others through our words and actions.

When we acknowledge God’s greatness, we shift our focus from our limitations to His limitless power and grace.

Connection to Jesus Christ and God’s Love

God’s greatness is revealed most fully in Jesus Christ. Jesus, who is the “radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being” (Hebrews 1:3), demonstrated the greatness of God’s love by humbling Himself to die on the cross for our sins.

In Philippians 2:6-8, we see how Jesus’ willingness to humble Himself displays a different kind of greatness—one rooted in servanthood and sacrifice. God’s greatness is not distant or impersonal; it is seen in His intimate care and self-giving love for humanity.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does recognizing God’s greatness impact your prayer life and worship?
  2. In what areas of your life do you need to trust in God’s power and sovereignty?
  3. How does the Holy Spirit help you stay grounded in the truth of God’s greatness?
  4. How can you reflect God’s greatness in your daily interactions with others?
  5. What are some specific ways you can declare God’s greatness to those around you?

Acknowledging that God is great fills our hearts with awe and gratitude. It reminds us that no problem is too big for Him, no prayer goes unheard, and no life is beyond His redemptive power. As we live in the light of His greatness, we are strengthened to walk in faith, courage, and joy, knowing that our great God is faithful and mighty to save.

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