
Exodus 28:15: “Fashion a breastpiece for making decisions—the work of skilled hands. Make it like the ephod: of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen.”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 28:15 instructs Moses to create a breastpiece that was to be worn by the high priest as part of his sacred garments. This breastpiece was not just a decorative item; it served a crucial function in making decisions on behalf of the people of Israel. The verse specifies that this breastpiece should be crafted by skilled hands, using the same materials as the ephod—gold, blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and finely twisted linen. These materials signify the importance and sanctity of the breastpiece, reflecting its role in the spiritual leadership of the nation.

The breastpiece, also known as the breastpiece of judgment, was to be worn over the heart of the high priest when he entered the Holy Place. It held the Urim and Thummim, sacred lots used to discern God’s will in difficult decisions. The detailed craftsmanship and the use of precious materials emphasized the seriousness of the high priest’s role in guiding the people according to God’s direction.

Historical Context

This instruction was given to the Israelites during their time at Mount Sinai, where God was establishing the laws and practices that would define their relationship with Him. The high priest’s garments, including the breastpiece, were designed to reflect the holiness and authority of his position as the spiritual leader of the nation.

In ancient Israel, the breastpiece was central to the high priest’s duties, especially in matters requiring divine guidance. The Urim and Thummim, which were placed inside the breastpiece, were mysterious objects used for seeking God’s decisions in important matters. The careful construction of the breastpiece symbolized the need for purity, precision, and reverence in seeking and discerning God’s will.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Exodus 28:15 emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s guidance in decision-making. The breastpiece was not just an ornamental accessory; it was a tool for understanding and applying God’s will. This reflects the broader biblical principle that those who lead God’s people must do so with wisdom and discernment, always seeking God’s direction in their decisions.

The use of precious materials in the breastpiece also signifies the value of divine guidance. Just as the high priest was to wear the breastpiece over his heart, this verse suggests that God’s will should be at the center of our lives, guiding our thoughts, decisions, and actions.

Literary Analysis

Exodus 28:15 is a prescriptive verse, providing specific instructions for the construction of the breastpiece. The verse highlights the importance of craftsmanship (“the work of skilled hands”) and the use of high-quality materials, linking the breastpiece to the ephod in terms of its design and significance. The repetition of the materials—gold, blue, purple, scarlet yarn, and finely twisted linen—reinforces the theme of holiness and the value placed on the high priest’s garments.

The verse’s structure emphasizes the connection between the breastpiece and the ephod, suggesting that both garments work together to fulfill the high priest’s role. The detailed instructions for the breastpiece reflect the broader biblical theme of order and reverence in worship, where every aspect of the high priest’s attire serves a specific purpose in the service of God.

Biblical Cross-References

Other passages in the Bible expand on the themes found in Exodus 28:15:

  • Leviticus 8:8: Describes the consecration of Aaron as high priest and the placing of the breastpiece on him, along with the Urim and Thummim, indicating the start of his priestly duties.
  • 1 Samuel 28:6: Mentions the use of Urim in seeking God’s guidance, showing its role in decision-making.
  • Isaiah 11:2: Refers to the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, qualities that are central to the function of the breastpiece in discerning God’s will.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 28:15 serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking God’s guidance in all areas of life. Just as the high priest wore the breastpiece to make decisions on behalf of the people, Christians are called to seek God’s will in their daily lives, ensuring that their decisions align with His purposes.

The verse also challenges believers to value divine guidance as precious and essential. In a world full of distractions and conflicting voices, this verse encourages Christians to place God’s will at the center of their hearts, guiding their decisions and actions. The craftsmanship and care that went into making the breastpiece reflect the care and intentionality with which we should approach our relationship with God.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Exodus 28:15 reflects God’s love in providing His people with a means to seek His guidance and direction. The detailed instructions for the breastpiece show that God cares deeply about how His people make decisions and wants to ensure that they have the tools they need to discern His will. This verse highlights God’s desire to be involved in the lives of His people, guiding them in righteousness and wisdom.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse connects to Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate source of divine wisdom and guidance. Just as the high priest used the breastpiece to seek God’s will, Jesus is our High Priest who perfectly reveals God’s will to us. Colossians 2:3 describes Jesus as the one “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,” indicating that through Him, we have access to the fullness of God’s guidance.

In Christ, we see the fulfillment of the breastpiece’s purpose. We no longer need physical objects like the Urim and Thummim to discern God’s will because Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, provides us with direct access to God’s wisdom and guidance in every situation.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How do you seek God’s guidance in your daily decisions? What can you learn from the importance of the breastpiece in the high priest’s attire?
  2. In what ways can you ensure that God’s will is at the center of your heart, guiding your thoughts and actions?
  3. How does understanding Jesus as our source of wisdom and knowledge impact the way you approach decisions and challenges in your life?
  4. What steps can you take to value and seek God’s guidance with the same care and intentionality reflected in the making of the high priest’s breastpiece?