
Exodus 28:39: “Weave the tunic of fine linen and make the turban of fine linen. The sash is to be the work of an embroiderer.”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 28:39 provides detailed instructions for the garments that the high priest was to wear. Specifically, this verse describes the tunic, turban, and sash, all of which were to be made from fine linen. The tunic served as the inner garment, the turban covered the high priest’s head, and the sash was worn around the waist, all symbolizing purity, holiness, and the dignity of the high priest’s office.

The use of fine linen is significant as it represented purity and was often associated with the righteousness of the saints in biblical literature. The tunic and turban made from this material would have been lightweight, breathable, and white in appearance, symbolizing the moral and spiritual purity required of the high priest as he performed his duties before God. The sash, being the work of an embroiderer, added an element of beauty and craftsmanship to the attire, indicating that the service of God should be carried out with both skill and dedication.

Historical Context

The instructions in Exodus 28 were given during the Israelites’ time at Mount Sinai, where God was establishing the tabernacle, the priesthood, and the practices of worship for the nation. The high priest’s garments, including the tunic, turban, and sash, were central to his role as a mediator between God and the people. These garments were designed not just for function but also to reflect the sacredness of the high priest’s duties.

In ancient Israel, the high priest’s attire distinguished him from the other priests and the people, signifying his unique role in representing them before God. The garments were made with materials and craftsmanship that were set apart from common clothing, reflecting the holiness and special status of the high priest. The fine linen, in particular, was a valuable material, emphasizing the importance of purity in those who serve God.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Exodus 28:39 emphasizes the importance of purity and holiness in the service of God. The use of fine linen in the high priest’s garments symbolizes the moral and spiritual cleanliness required to approach God. This verse reflects the broader biblical theme that those who serve God must be pure and righteous, living lives that are set apart from sin.

The detailed craftsmanship involved in making the tunic, turban, and sash also suggests that serving God requires not only purity but also dedication and skill. The high priest’s garments were not hastily or carelessly made; they were crafted with care, reflecting the reverence and respect due to God in all aspects of worship.

Literary Analysis

Exodus 28:39 is a verse that combines specific instructions with symbolic meaning. The verse’s focus on the materials and craftsmanship of the high priest’s garments highlights the attention to detail that characterized the instructions for the tabernacle and its services. The repetition of “fine linen” emphasizes the purity required in the high priest’s role.

The verse also contributes to the broader narrative of the high priest’s consecration, where every element of his attire was designed to reflect the holiness and dignity of his office. The mention of embroidery adds a layer of artistic expression to the high priest’s garments, indicating that beauty and craftsmanship are important in the service of God.

Biblical Cross-References

Other passages in the Bible expand on the themes found in Exodus 28:39:

  • Revelation 19:8: Describes the fine linen as the righteous acts of God’s holy people, symbolizing the purity and righteousness that believers are called to embody.
  • Leviticus 16:4: Specifies that the high priest must wear linen garments on the Day of Atonement, underscoring the importance of purity in approaching God.
  • Psalm 132:9: Calls for the priests to be clothed with righteousness, reflecting the symbolic meaning of the high priest’s garments.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 28:39 serves as a reminder of the importance of purity and dedication in serving God. Just as the high priest’s garments were made of fine linen, symbolizing purity, believers are called to live lives that reflect the holiness of God. This verse challenges us to consider how we can pursue purity in our own lives and approach our service to God with the same care and dedication that characterized the making of the high priest’s garments.

The verse also encourages believers to recognize the value of craftsmanship and excellence in serving God. The work of the embroiderer on the high priest’s sash suggests that serving God is not just about function but also about offering our best efforts, skills, and creativity in worship.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Exodus 28:39 reflects God’s love in the way He provides detailed instructions for how His people should approach Him. The care and precision required in the high priest’s garments show that God values purity, dedication, and excellence in those who serve Him. This verse demonstrates God’s deep desire for His people to reflect His holiness and to offer their best in worship.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse connects to Jesus Christ, who is our ultimate High Priest and the perfect example of purity and dedication in service to God. Jesus lived a life of perfect righteousness, symbolized by the fine linen worn by the high priest. In Hebrews 7:26, Jesus is described as “holy, blameless, pure,” embodying the holiness that the high priest’s garments symbolized.

In Christ, believers are called to put on the “garments” of righteousness, living lives that reflect His purity and dedication. Through Jesus, we are made pure and are empowered to serve God with the same care and devotion that characterized the high priest’s service.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the emphasis on fine linen in the high priest’s garments challenge you to think about the purity and holiness of your own life?
  2. In what ways can you ensure that your service to God reflects the same care, dedication, and excellence that were required in the making of the high priest’s garments?
  3. How does understanding Jesus as our High Priest, who embodies perfect purity and holiness, influence your relationship with Him?
  4. What steps can you take to pursue purity and excellence in your daily walk with God, ensuring that your life reflects His holiness?