
Who was Ezbon in the Bible?

The name of two Old Testament Israelites

a. A Gadite

Ezbon is mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 46:16 and Numbers 26:16. He was a man of the tribe of Gad who lived during the time of Israel’s wilderness journey. The tribe of Gad was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from the son of Jacob named Gad. Ezbon was the son of Gad and the brother of Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Eri, Arod, and Areli. In Numbers 26:16, Ezbon is also referred to as Ozni. This change in name could indicate different variations or translations of the same individual.

b. A Benjaminite

1 Chronicles 7:7 lists Ezbon among the descendants of Benjamin.


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