
Who was Fortunatus in the Bible?

Man living at the time of the New Testament

Fortunatus is a person mentioned in the New Testament, specifically in 1 Corinthians 16:17-24. From a biblical point of view, we can gather the following insights about Fortunatus:

1. **Identity**: Fortunatus is identified as a man living during the time of the New Testament. He is mentioned by Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians.

2. **Association with Paul**: Fortunatus is mentioned in the context of a visit from him, along with Stephanas and Achaicus, to Paul. They came to visit and bring encouragement to Paul during his ministry.

3. **Encouragement and Support**: Paul appreciates the visit of Fortunatus, Stephanas, and Achaicus, as it brought him much-needed encouragement and support in his ministry endeavors. Their presence was a source of joy and refreshment to Paul.

4. **Salutation**: In verse 24, Paul sends a greeting to the Corinthian church on behalf of Fortunatus, emphasizing the importance of unity and love among believers.

In summary, Fortunatus was a supportive individual who, along with Stephanas and Achaicus, visited Paul to provide encouragement and support in his ministry. Paul valued their visit and sent his greetings to the Corinthian church through them, highlighting the importance of unity and love among believers.

This account of Fortunatus serves as a reminder of the significance of fellow believers in providing support and encouragement in our Christian journey, as seen in the interactions between Paul and his companions.

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