
Who was Gera in the Bible?

The name of three Old Testament Israelites

a. Father of Shimei

Gera is a person mentioned in the Bible during the time of the United Monarchy. He is first mentioned in 2 Samuel 16:5 and is also referenced in 2 Samuel 19:16, 2 Samuel 19:18, and 1 Kings 2:8. In 2 Samuel 16:5, Gera’s descendant Shimei curses David as he flees from Absalom’s rebellion. Shimei’s actions show disrespect and rebellion against the king, and he later seeks forgiveness from David in 2 Samuel 19:16-18. However, in 1 Kings 2:8, David instructs Solomon to deal with Shimei according to his actions, indicating the consequences of Shimei’s past behavior.

b. A Benjaminite

1 Chronicles 8:3 and 7 list two men named Gera among the descendants of Benjamin.

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