Gilead (location)

What was Gilead in the Bible?

The name of a region in the Old Testament

-In 1 Chronicles 5:14, Gilead refers to a region or territory east of the Jordan River that was known for its rich pastures and resources. The name is connected to a man who belonged to the tribe of Gad. Gilead is described as the son of Michael and the father of Jaroah. The tribe of Gad was one of the twelve tribes of Israel and was given land on the eastern side of the Jordan River. This territory included areas that were part of Gilead.

– In Genesis 31:21, Gilead is recorded as the place where Jacob fled from Laban.
Numbers 26:29 mentions Gilead as a region where the tribe of Manasseh settled.
2 Kings 15:25 records a location in Gilead where Pekahiah, the son of Menahem, was assassinated.


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