
Who was Jethro in the Bible?

Man living at the time of Egypt and Wilderness

Jethro, also known as Reuel, is a significant figure mentioned in the Bible, particularly in the books of Exodus and Numbers. He was a man who lived during the time of Egypt and the wilderness journey of the Israelites. Jethro is first mentioned in Exodus 2:18, where he is identified as the father of Zipporah and Hobab.

In Exodus 2:18-21, we see Jethro as the priest of Midian, who had seven daughters. Moses helped these daughters water their flock and eventually married Zipporah, one of Jethro’s daughters. Jethro is also known as Reuel, as mentioned in Numbers 10:29. This dual naming convention is not uncommon in biblical narratives.

Jethro played a significant role in Moses’ life and the Israelites’ journey. In Exodus 18, we read about Jethro visiting Moses in the wilderness, where he advises Moses on delegation and leadership. Jethro’s wise counsel helps Moses to establish a system of governance among the people, easing the burden on himself and ensuring the efficient administration of justice.

From a biblical perspective, Jethro’s character exemplifies wisdom, discernment, and the importance of seeking godly counsel. His actions demonstrate the value of mentorship and the role of elders in guiding and supporting leaders. Jethro’s inclusion in the biblical narrative serves as a reminder of the diverse ways God works through individuals from different backgrounds to accomplish His purposes.

In conclusion, Jethro, also known as Reuel, was a man of wisdom and insight who played a crucial role in the life of Moses and the Israelites during their time in the wilderness. His story highlights the importance of seeking counsel, the value of mentorship, and the diverse ways in which God uses individuals to fulfill His plans.

Exodus 2:18-21
Numbers 10:29
Exodus 18

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