
Who was Jezebel in the Bible?

Queen living at the time of Divided Monarchy

Jezebel is a significant figure in the Bible, known for her wickedness and influence during the time of the Divided Monarchy in Israel. She was the wife of King Ahab, the daughter of King Ethbaal of Sidon, and the mother of Ahaziah and Joram.

Jezebel’s story is primarily found in the books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings. In 1 Kings 16:31, it is mentioned that she was the wife of Ahab, who was the king of Israel. Jezebel is depicted as a woman who promoted the worship of the false god Baal and led Israel into idolatry and immorality. She was responsible for the persecution of the prophets of the Lord, including Elijah.

Jezebel’s influence over Ahab was so strong that she manipulated him into committing evil acts, such as the murder of Naboth to acquire his vineyard (1Kings21). Her actions brought about God’s judgment on the house of Ahab, as prophesied by Elijah and later fulfilled by Jehu (2Kings9).

In the New Testament, Jezebel is mentioned in Revelation 2:20, where Jesus rebukes the church in Thyatira for tolerating a woman who calls herself a prophetess and leads God’s servants into sexual immorality and the worship of idols. Although this Jezebel in Revelation may not be the same historical figure, the reference serves as a warning against the influence of false teachings and immorality within the church.

From a biblical perspective, Jezebel represents the dangers of idolatry, deception, and manipulation. Her story serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of turning away from the true God and following after false gods. Ultimately, Jezebel’s legacy is one of destruction and judgment, highlighting the importance of remaining faithful to the Lord and rejecting all forms of evil and wickedness.

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