
Who was Amariah in the Bible?

Amariah is a common name in the Old Testament, used by several individuals from Israelite priestly families. The name Amariah (Hebrew: אֲמַרְיָ֫הוּ, amar-yahu) means “Yahweh has commanded” or “command of Yahweh.” This name appears multiple times in various contexts, signifying the importance and widespread use of the name among the priestly lineages.

Different Individuals Named Amariah

Amariah, Son of Meraioth

In 1 Chronicles 6:7, Amariah is mentioned as the son of Meraioth and the father of Ahitub. This Amariah is a direct descendant of Levi and part of the lineage that includes Zadok, a prominent high priest who served under King David. This lineage highlights the continuity and faithfulness of the Levitical priesthood through generations.

Amariah, Son of Azariah

Another Levite named Amariah is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 6:11. He is also a descendant of Levi and an ancestor of Ezra. This connection to Ezra, the scribe and priest who played a critical role in the restoration of Jerusalem and the Jewish community after the Babylonian exile, underscores the importance of maintaining the priestly lineage and religious reforms.

Amariah, Son of Hebron

In 1 Chronicles 23:19 and 1 Chronicles 24:23, Amariah is listed as a son of Hebron, part of a clan of Levites related to Moses. He served in the court of David, showing the involvement of Levites in the administration and spiritual guidance of the kingdom.

Amariah, Chief Priest under Jehoshaphat

2 Chronicles 19:11 recounts the legal reforms of Jehoshaphat, the fourth king of Judah. Amariah served as the chief priest and primary advisor over the judges appointed by Jehoshaphat. This position highlights the integration of religious and judicial roles in maintaining justice and righteousness in the kingdom.

Amariah, Temple Worker under Hezekiah

Amariah is mentioned as an assistant to Kore, a Levitical priest who oversaw temple offerings under Hezekiah, the 13th king of Judah (2 Chronicles 31:15). His role in distributing portions of the temple offerings illustrates the organized and communal aspects of worship and religious observance.

Amariah, Post-Exile Priest

In Nehemiah 10:3, Amariah is listed among the first wave of Jewish exiles who returned to their homeland with Zerubbabel. He is also mentioned in Nehemiah 12:2 and 12:13 as one of the signatories of a covenant commitment to keep the Law while rebuilding Jerusalem. This act of recommitment to God’s Law was crucial for the restoration and renewal of the Jewish community.

Amariah, Descendant of Binnui

Amariah is listed among the former exiles who returned to Jerusalem under Ezra (Ezra 10:42). He was one of the individuals who agreed to divorce his foreign wife to restore the community’s covenant relationship with God, reflecting the commitment to holiness and adherence to God’s commands.

Amariah, Son of Shephatiah

In Nehemiah 11:4, Amariah is mentioned as a descendant of Athaiah, head of a post-exile family that returned to Judah. This highlights the reestablishment of familial and tribal identities after the exile.

Amariah, Ancestor of the Prophet Zephaniah

Zephaniah 1:1 notes Amariah as an ancestor of the prophet Zephaniah. This lineage connection emphasizes the continuity of the prophetic and priestly roles within the history of Israel.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Faithfulness

The various individuals named Amariah illustrate the importance of faithfulness to God’s commands across generations. Their dedication to their priestly duties, legal reforms, and covenant commitments serves as an example for modern Christians to remain steadfast in their faith and obedient to God’s Word.

Commitment to Holiness

The actions of Amariah and others in returning to the Law and restoring proper worship practices underscore the need for holiness and separation from sin. Modern Christians are called to live lives that reflect God’s holiness, maintaining purity and devotion in their personal and communal lives.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty and Faithfulness

The recurring mention of Amariah in various roles and contexts highlights God’s sovereignty and faithfulness in preserving His people and their leaders. This reassures believers that God is in control and faithfully upholds His promises, guiding His people through history.

God’s Guidance in Restoration

The involvement of Amariah in the post-exilic restoration efforts underlines God’s guidance in bringing His people back to Himself. This illustrates God’s desire for reconciliation and renewal, offering hope and encouragement to Christians that God continually seeks to restore and renew His relationship with His people.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Ultimate High Priest

The priestly roles of Amariah and his descendants point to the ultimate High Priest, Jesus Christ. Hebrews 4:14-16 describes Jesus as our great High Priest who intercedes for us, providing a direct connection to God. This underscores the fulfillment of the priestly functions in Christ, who offers perfect mediation and atonement.

The Fulfillment of the Law

The covenant commitments and adherence to the Law seen in the actions of Amariah and his contemporaries find their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus. Matthew 5:17 states that Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, highlighting that through Him, believers are made righteous and can fully live out God’s commands.


Amariah, a name borne by several notable figures in the Old Testament, represents faithfulness, holiness, and commitment to God’s commands. Whether serving in priestly roles, advising kings, or participating in the restoration of Jerusalem, the various Amariahs highlight God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, and guidance throughout history. For modern Christians, their stories encourage steadfast faith, dedication to holiness, and trust in God’s redemptive plan, ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ, our High Priest and Savior.

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