
Who Was Arah in the Bible?

The name Arah appears in the Bible as the name of two Old Testament Israelites. The Hebrew name אָרַח (‘arach) means “to wander” or “journey,” reflecting a possible aspect of their lives or the lives of their descendants. Arah’s name is found in genealogical records that highlight the importance of lineage and heritage in the biblical narrative.

Biblical References and Description

Arah, Son of Ulla

1 Chronicles 7:39
In 1 Chronicles 7:39 (NIV), we read, “The sons of Ulla: Arah, Haniel, and Rizia.” Arah is listed as one of the sons of Ulla, a member of the tribe of Asher. Asher, one of the twelve tribes of Israel, was known for its fertile land and abundance, as Moses blessed the tribe saying, “Asher will dip his foot in oil” (Deuteronomy 33:24).

Arah, Ancestor of a Post-Exile Clan

Ezra 2:5; Nehemiah 7:10; Nehemiah 6:18
The name Arah appears again in the context of the post-exilic period. In Ezra 2:5 (NIV), it is mentioned, “the descendants of Arah, 775.” Similarly, Nehemiah 7:10 (NIV) states, “the descendants of Arah, 652.” These verses identify Arah as an ancestor of a clan that returned from exile with Zerubbabel in the 6th century B.C. Additionally, Nehemiah 6:18 (NIV) notes that many in Judah were bound by oath to him, indicating his descendants’ significant influence.

Connection Between the Two Arahs

While it is not certain that the two references to Arah pertain to the same family line, the commonality of the name and the tribal connections suggest a possible link. The genealogy records serve to preserve the heritage and continuity of Israel’s history, demonstrating the importance of each individual’s role in God’s plan.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Importance of Lineage and Heritage

The genealogical records in the Bible, including the mention of Arah, emphasize the significance of lineage and heritage. For modern Christians, understanding one’s spiritual heritage is essential. Recognizing the faith journeys of those who have gone before can inspire and strengthen current believers to continue building upon that foundation.

Faithfulness Across Generations

Arah’s descendants returned from exile and contributed to the rebuilding of Jerusalem, highlighting the faithfulness of God across generations. Modern Christians can learn the importance of maintaining and passing on their faith to future generations, ensuring that the legacy of faith continues and thrives.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness in Restoration

The return of Arah’s descendants from exile exemplifies God’s faithfulness in restoring His people. Despite their period of judgment and exile, God’s promise to bring them back to their land was fulfilled. This story reassures believers that God’s faithfulness remains steadfast, and He will restore and redeem His people even after periods of hardship and correction.

God’s Sovereign Plan

The inclusion of Arah and his descendants in the biblical narrative underscores God’s sovereign plan. Every individual, whether well-known or obscure, plays a role in God’s grand design. This teaches modern Christians that their lives have purpose and significance in God’s overarching plan, encouraging them to trust in His guidance and provision.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Continuity of God’s Promise

The genealogical records, including those of Arah, demonstrate the continuity of God’s promises through generations. These lineages ultimately lead to Jesus Christ, fulfilling the covenant promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1 traces His lineage through significant biblical figures, showing that God’s redemptive plan is meticulously fulfilled through history.

Jesus as the Ultimate Restorer

The return of Arah’s descendants from exile foreshadows the ultimate restoration brought by Jesus Christ. Just as God restored His people to their land, Jesus restores humanity to a right relationship with God through His life, death, and resurrection. This restoration is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan, offering hope and salvation to all who believe.


Arah, mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7:39 and as an ancestor of a post-exile clan in Ezra and Nehemiah, highlights the significance of lineage and heritage in the Bible. These genealogical records emphasize God’s faithfulness across generations and the importance of each individual’s role in His sovereign plan. For modern Christians, Arah’s story underscores the value of spiritual heritage, the faithfulness of God in restoration, and the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ. This encourages believers to trust in God’s sovereign plan and to actively participate in the continuation of their faith legacy.

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