
Who Was Arieh in the Bible?

Arieh is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Bible, specifically in 2 Kings 15:25. He lived during the time of the Divided Monarchy, a period of Israel’s history following the reign of King Solomon when the nation split into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. This division occurred around 930 BC after Solomon’s death.

Biblical References and Description

2 Kings 15:25

2 Kings 15:25 (NIV) states, “One of his chief officers, Pekah son of Remaliah, conspired against him. Taking fifty men of Gilead with him, he assassinated Pekahiah, along with Argob and Arieh, in the citadel of the royal palace at Samaria. So Pekah killed Pekahiah and succeeded him as king.” This verse mentions Arieh as one of the individuals involved in the assassination of King Pekahiah, which led to Pekah’s rise to power.

Historical Context

The period of the Divided Monarchy was marked by political instability and frequent conspiracies. The kingdom of Israel, where Arieh lived, experienced numerous coups and assassinations as various leaders vied for power. Arieh’s involvement in the conspiracy against Pekahiah places him within this turbulent historical context.

The Significance of Arieh’s Role

While Arieh is not a prominent figure in the Bible, his mention highlights the chaotic and violent nature of Israel’s political landscape during the Divided Monarchy. His role in the conspiracy underscores the theme of human ambition and the destructive consequences of political intrigue.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Consequences of Political Intrigue

The story of Arieh and the conspiracy against Pekahiah illustrates the destructive consequences of political intrigue and the pursuit of power. Modern Christians can learn from this to prioritize integrity and righteousness over personal ambition. The turmoil in Israel serves as a warning against the dangers of seeking power through unethical means.

The Importance of Godly Leadership

The frequent conspiracies and assassinations during the Divided Monarchy highlight the need for godly leadership. Proverbs 29:2 (NIV) states, “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Christians are reminded to pray for and support leaders who seek to govern with justice and integrity.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty Amidst Chaos

Despite the political chaos and violence of the Divided Monarchy, God’s sovereignty remained. The events surrounding Arieh’s involvement in the conspiracy did not escape God’s notice. This reassures believers that God is sovereign over all circumstances, even when human actions lead to disorder and turmoil.

God’s Justice

The narrative of Arieh’s involvement in the conspiracy also reflects God’s justice. The frequent upheavals and the ultimate downfall of corrupt leaders in Israel demonstrate that God does not tolerate injustice indefinitely. Modern Christians can take comfort in knowing that God will ultimately bring about justice for His people.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Need for a Righteous King

The political instability during the Divided Monarchy underscores the need for a righteous and just ruler, a need ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Jesus, the King of kings, embodies perfect justice and righteousness, providing a stark contrast to the flawed and often corrupt leaders of Israel. His reign brings peace and stability, which human leaders could not achieve.

Jesus’ Victory Over Evil

Arieh’s involvement in the violent conspiracy highlights the prevalence of evil and the human propensity for sin. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection signify the ultimate victory over sin and evil. Through Jesus, believers have the assurance of victory over the destructive forces of sin, offering hope and redemption.


Arieh, mentioned briefly in 2 Kings 15:25, played a role in the conspiracy and assassination of King Pekahiah during the turbulent period of the Divided Monarchy. His involvement highlights the political instability and ethical challenges of the time. For modern Christians, Arieh’s story offers lessons on the consequences of political intrigue, the importance of godly leadership, and the assurance of God’s sovereignty and justice. Ultimately, the narrative points to the need for the righteous reign of Jesus Christ, who embodies perfect justice and provides hope and redemption for all who trust in Him.

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