
Who was Gomer in the Bible?

The name of two Old Testament Israelites

a. Son of Japeth

Gomer is a figure mentioned in the Bible in several passages, primarily in genealogies. He is first mentioned in Genesis 10:2, where he is listed as one of the sons of Japheth. Gomer is also mentioned in 1 Chronicles 1:5-6 in a similar genealogical context. Additionally, in the book of Ezekiel 38:6, Gomer is referenced in a prophetic context.

b. Wife of Hosea

Gomer, as mentioned in Hosea 1:3, was the daughter of Diblaim whom the prophet Hosea took as his wife. Gomer is also noted as the mother of three children: Jezreel, Lo-ruhamah, and Lo-ammi.


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