
What was Goshen in the Bible?

The name of two locations in the Old Testament

a. Goshen of Egypt (Genesis 45:10, 46:28-29, 47:1 ff., 50:8; Exodus 8:22, 9:26)

Goshen is a significant location mentioned in Genesis and Exodus. In Genesis 45:10, it is referenced when Joseph invites his father Jacob and his brothers to come and dwell in the land of Goshen. The Bible describes Goshen as a fertile region in Egypt suitable for grazing livestock, making it an ideal place for Jacob’s family to settle during the famine. This area provided sustenance and protection for the Israelites. Goshen is portrayed as a place of blessing and refuge for the Israelites. It became a symbol of God’s faithfulness and provision for His chosen people. The location of Goshen allowed the Israelites to thrive and multiply, fulfilling God’s promise to make them into a great nation.

b. Goshen of Israel (Joshua 10:41, 11:16, 15:51)

In Joshua 10:41, Goshen is mentioned in the context of the conquest of the Promised Land by the Israelites under Joshua’s leadership. The Israelites were victorious in battle, and the kings of the defeated cities were executed in Makkedah. Goshen is listed as one of the conquered territories. In Joshua 11:16, Goshen is again mentioned as part of the conquest of the southern Canaanite kings. The Israelites defeated the kings and took possession of their lands, including Goshen, as part of the fulfillment of God’s covenant with His people. In Joshua 15:51, Goshen is listed as one of the cities of the tribe of Judah, meaning that Goshen was eventually incorporated into the territory allotted to Judah as Israel settled in the Promised Land.

Where was Goshen in the Bible?

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