
Who was Guni in the Bible?

The name of two Old Testament Israelites

a. Son of Naphtali

Guni is a figure mentioned in the Bible as part of the genealogy of the tribe of Naphtali. He is first mentioned in Genesis 46:24 and is also referenced in Numbers 26:48 and 1 Chronicles 7:13. Guni lived during the wilderness journey of the Israelites. Naphtali, the father of Guni, was one of the sons of Jacob (also known as Israel) and Bilhah, who was Rachel’s maidservant (Genesis 30:8). Naphtali had four sons: Jahzeel, Jezer, Guni, and Shillem. Guni, along with his brothers, became the ancestors of the Naphtalite clan.

b. A man of Gad

Guni appears in 1 Chronicles 5:15 in the genealogy of the tribe of Gad. Gad was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from Gad, the seventh son of Jacob and the first son of Zilpah, Leah’s maidservant (Genesis 30:10-11). The tribe of Gad settled east of the Jordan River and was known for its warriors (Numbers 32:17-18).

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