
Who was Harim in the Bible?

The name of four Old Testament Israelites

a. A priest

Harim is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 24:8. In 1 Chronicles 24, Harim is listed among the heads of the priestly families during the time of David. The priests were divided into 24 divisions, and Harim’s family was chosen to serve as priests during their appointed times. This division of priests was established by King David and overseen by the priestly families, including that of Harim.

b. An exile returnee

Ezra 2:32 and Nehemiah 7:35, was a man living at the time of the Exile and Return. During the Exile, the people of Judah were taken captive to Babylon due to their disobedience to God. After the Exile, when the Persian king Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple, Harim was among those who returned.

c. A builder

In Nehemiah 3:11, Harim is recorded as being engaged in the reconstruction work of the city walls alongside others.

d. Signatory of Nehemiah’s covenant

Harim appears in Nehemiah 10:27. The context of this verse is the commitment of the people of Israel to follow the Law of Moses and to uphold various regulations related to the temple service and offerings. Harim’s name appears in a list of priests, Levites, and leaders who affixed their seals to the covenant document.

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