
Who was Hasshub in the Bible?

Hebrew name: חַשּׁוּב (chashub)

Name meaning: “Respect”

The ancestral head of a clan of exiles (1 Chronicles 9:14; Nehemiah 11:15)

After the exile, thousands of Jews returned to Jerusalem after the decree of Cyrus the Great (~539 B.C.) which allowed them to leave Babylon. Upon returning, exiles were catalogued and organized according to families, identified by a common ancestor. Hasshub was the common ancestor of one such family. He is listed in a genealogy of returned exiles.

A builder (Nehemiah 3:11, 23)

Hasshub was the son of Pahath-moab. He is listed as one of the individuals who participated in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah.

A signer of Nehemiah’s covenant (Nehemiah 10:23)

Hasshub is listed among those who signed the covenant in Nehemiah 10, which was a renewal of the community’s commitment to follow God’s laws and commandments as they attempted to resettle Judah.

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