
Who was Jeremai in the Bible?

Man living at the time of Exile and Return

Jeremai is a man mentioned in the book of Ezra 10:33. He is specifically identified as being present during the time of the Exile and Return of the Israelites. In the context of Ezra 10, the chapter details the list of men who had taken foreign wives and were required to divorce them as part of the people’s repentance for their intermarriage with foreign women.

From a biblical perspective, Jeremai serves as a reminder of the importance of obeying God’s commands and maintaining the purity of the Israelite community. The issue of intermarriage with foreign women was a significant concern in the Old Testament because it often led to the worship of foreign gods and the dilution of the Israelites’ commitment to Yahweh.

The mention of Jeremai in Ezra 10:33 highlights the individual responsibility of each person to uphold God’s standards and follow His laws. It also underscores the consequences of disobedience and the need for repentance and restoration within the community.

In the broader theological context, Jeremai’s presence in the narrative of the Exile and Return serves as a lesson for believers today to remain faithful to God, to avoid compromise with the values of the world, and to prioritize obedience to His Word above all else.

Overall, Jeremai’s brief mention in Ezra 10:33 may seem insignificant, but it carries a profound message about the importance of personal faithfulness and the consequences of straying from God’s commands.

Ezra 10:33 : Of the descendants of Hashum: Mattenai, Mattattah, Zabad, Eliphelet, Jeremai, Manasseh, and Shimei.
– Theological themes of obedience, repentance, and faithfulness in the context of the Exile and Return in the book of Ezra.

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