
Who was Mica in the Bible?

Man living at the time of Exile and Return

Mica, also known as Micah in the King James Version and Mika in the NIV, is a man of the tribe of Levi who lived during the time of the Exile and Return. He is first mentioned in 1 Chronicles 9:15. Mica was the son of Zichri and the father of Mattaniah. The tribe of Levi was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, set apart for priestly duties and serving in the tabernacle and temple.

In the Bible, the tribe of Levi had a special role and responsibility in the worship and service of God. They were not given a specific portion of land like the other tribes but were allocated cities throughout the land for their dwelling. Members of the tribe of Levi served as priests, Levites, and musicians in the tabernacle and later in the temple.

Mica’s mention in the genealogy in 1 Chronicles and Nehemiah highlights the importance of keeping records of the lineage and heritage of the people of Israel. This genealogy serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His covenant people and the preservation of the priestly line.

The name Mica, Micah, or Mika signifies Who is like Yahweh, emphasizing the uniqueness and supremacy of God. The prophet Micah, also known as Micaiah, is a well-known figure in the Bible who spoke out against social injustices and called for repentance and obedience to God.

As a man of the tribe of Levi living during a significant period in Israel’s history, Mica’s life likely involved serving in the religious duties of the temple and upholding the traditions and laws of the Israelite faith.

In conclusion, Mica, a man of the tribe of Levi, represents the continuity of the priestly lineage and the faithfulness of God to His people throughout generations. His mention in the biblical genealogies underscores the importance of heritage and the role of the Levites in the worship and service of God.

1. 1 Chronicles 9:15
2. Nehemiah 11:17

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