
Who was Muppim in the Bible?

Man living at the time of Egypt and Wilderness

Muppim is a person mentioned in the Bible who belonged to the tribe of Benjamin. He is listed among the sons of Benjamin in Genesis 46:21. Muppim is also referred to as Shephupham in Numbers 26:39 and 1 Chronicles 8:5. The name Muppim means double fountains or fountains in Hebrew.

As a member of the tribe of Benjamin, Muppim was part of the descendants of Benjamin, the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel. The tribe of Benjamin was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, and it played a significant role in the history of Israel.

Muppim’s inclusion in the genealogy of Benjamin showcases the continuity and lineage of the tribe through generations. The mention of Muppim in different books of the Bible highlights the importance of his family line within the tribe of Benjamin.

From a biblical perspective, the mention of Muppim serves to emphasize the historical accuracy and reliability of the biblical genealogies. It also underscores the significance of individual members within the larger context of the tribes of Israel.

In summary, Muppim was a member of the tribe of Benjamin, listed among the descendants of Benjamin in the Bible. His name signifies double fountains, and his inclusion in the genealogy of Benjamin highlights the continuity and lineage of the tribe.

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