
Who was Oholah in the Bible?

Woman living at the time of Exile and Return

Oholah and Oholibah are symbolic names given to two women in the book of Ezekiel, representing the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel respectively. These names are used as allegories to describe the unfaithfulness of Israel to God and their idolatry.

Oholah, whose name means her tent, represents the northern kingdom of Israel, also known as Samaria. In Ezekiel23:4, Oholah is described as a woman living at the time of the Exile and Return. This symbolizes the idolatrous practices and spiritual adultery of the northern kingdom, which led to their downfall and eventual exile by the Assyrians.

Oholibah, whose name means my tent is in her, represents the southern kingdom of Judah, with Jerusalem as its capital. Oholibah is portrayed as the sister of Oholah, emphasizing their shared guilt and unfaithfulness to God.

The story of Oholah and Oholibah in Ezekiel23 serves as a powerful warning against idolatry and spiritual unfaithfulness. It highlights the consequences of turning away from God and seeking fulfillment in false gods and worldly pleasures.

As biblical Christians, we believe that the story of Oholah and Oholibah reminds us of the importance of remaining faithful to God and avoiding the temptations of idolatry and sin. It serves as a call to repentance and a reminder of God’s faithfulness and judgment.

In conclusion, Oholah and Oholibah are symbolic figures in the book of Ezekiel, representing the unfaithfulness of Israel and the consequences of turning away from God. Their story serves as a powerful lesson for us today to remain steadfast in our faith and avoid the pitfalls of idolatry and sin.


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