
Who was Gershom in the Bible?

The name of two Old Testament Israelites

a. Son of Moses

Gershom is first mentioned in Exodus 2:22, where he is identified as the son of Moses and Zipporah, and the brother of Eliezer. Gershom’s name means “sojourner” which may reflect the circumstances of his birth and early life, as his parents were living as foreigners in the land of Midian at the time of his birth. Despite this, Gershom was an integral part of the lineage of Moses and played a role in the history of the Israelites. Gershom is also noted as the father of Jonathan and Shebuel in 1 Chronicles 23:15-16. Jonathan is mentioned in Judges 18:30, although the exact relationship between this Jonathan and Gershom’s son is not explicitly stated in the text. Shebuel is also mentioned in 1 Chronicles 24:20 as a descendant of Gershom.

b. Son of Phineas

Gershom the son of Phineas appears in the list of exiles who returned from Babylon with Ezra in Ezra 8:2.

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