
Who was Hananiah in the Bible?

The name of numerous Israelites in the Old Testament

Hebrew name: חֲנַנְיָה (chananaya)

Name meaning: “The Lord favors” or “Favored by Yahweh”

a. A son of Zerubbabel (1 Chronicles 3:19)

Hananiah was the son of Zerubbabel who was a descendant of David and an important figure in post-exile Judah. Zerubbabel led a group of exiles from Babylon to Judah and served as the appointed governor of the region (late 6th century B.C.).

b. Son of Shashak (1 Chronicles 8:24)

Hananiah, son of Shashak, was a descendant of Benjamin.

c. A temple musician (1 Chronicles 25:4)

Hananiah, son of Haman led musical worship in the temple during the reign of David.

d. A military commander (2 Chronicles 26:11)

Hananiah commanded the army of Uzziah, a king of Judah (8th century B.C.)

e. One of Daniel’s friends (Daniel 1:6 ff.)

Hananiah is also referred to as Shadrach in Daniel 1:7 and throughout various other passages in the book of Daniel. Along with Daniel and Abednego, Hananiah faced a severe test of faith when they refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image and were subsequently thrown into a fiery furnace. However, God miraculously delivered them, demonstrating His power and faithfulness to those who trust in Him (Daniel 3:12-30).

f. A false prophet (Jeremiah 28:1 ff.)

In Jeremiah 28, the prophet recalls an encounter with Hananiah the son of Azzur who prophesied falsely about the restoration of Jerusalem.

g. Father of Zedekiah (Jeremiah 36:12)

Hananiah is mentioned as the father of Zedekiah (distinct from King Zedekiah), who served under Jehoiakim (late 7th century B.C.).

h. Father of Shelemiah (Jeremiah 37:13)

Hananiah is noted as the father of Shelemiah. Shelemiah was a gatekeeper who opposed Jeremiah.

i. Hananiah of the clan of Bebai (Ezra 10:28)

Hananiah is listed among those who had taken foreign wives and were instructed to separate from them as part of the reforms led by Ezra.

j. Builders (Nehemiah 3:8, 30)

Hananiah (3:8) was a perfume maker who helped rebuild the walls of Jerusale. Hananiah the son of Shelemiah is also listed as one of the builders (3:30).

k. A citadel commander (Nehemiah 7:2)

Nehemiah identifies Hananiah as the commander of the citadel, a fort near the temple in Jerusalem.

l. Signatory of Nehemiah’s covenant (Nehemiah 10:23)

Hananiah is documented as one of the signers of Nehemiah’s covenant. This covenant involved the newly returned exiles agreeing to follow the Law of Moses and to obey God’s commandments as they attempted to re-settle Judah.

m. A descendant of Jeremiah (Nehemiah 12:12)

Hananiah was a priest from the line of Jeremiah after the exile.

n. A musician (Nehemiah 12:41)

Hananiah is documented by Nehemiah as a priest who attended the dedication of the Jerusalem wall after its reconstruction.




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