
Who was Hanun in the Bible?

Two individuals named in the Old Testament

Hebrew name: חָנוּן (chanun)

Name meaning: “To favor”

a. An Ammonite king ( 2 Samuel 10:1-4; 1 Chronicles 19:2-6)

Hanun’s story is recorded in 2 Samuel 10:1-4 and 1 Chronicles 19:2-6. In these passages, Hanun’s father Nahash dies, and Hanun becomes king of the Ammonites. When David, the king of Israel, sends messengers to express condolences and show kindness to Hanun, the Ammonite officials advise Hanun to treat David’s representatives with suspicion. As a result, Hanun shames David’s envoys by shaving off half of their beards and cutting their garments at the buttocks, a grave insult in ancient Near Eastern culture. This act leads to a conflict between the Ammonites and Israel, resulting in a battle in which the Ammonites are defeated. Hanun’s actions demonstrate a lack of wisdom and gratitude, leading to disastrous consequences for his kingdom.

b. A builder (Nehemiah 3:13, 30)

Nehemiah documented Hanun as one of the builders who helped repair the wall of Jerusalem.


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