
Who was Pahath-moab in the Bible?

Man living at the time of Exile and Return

Pahath-moab is a person mentioned in the Bible during the time of the Exile and Return. He is first mentioned in Ezra 2:6 and is also referenced in Ezra 8:4, Ezra 10:30, and Nehemiah 7:11.

From a biblical perspective, Pahath-moab was a significant figure during the time of the Israelites’ exile and subsequent return to Jerusalem. His name, Pahath-moab, can be translated to mean governor of Moab, indicating a potential leadership role or connection to the region of Moab.

Pahath-moab is noted as the father of Jeshua and Joab, highlighting his familial lineage and possibly his influence on his descendants. Jeshua is mentioned in Ezra 2:6, while Joab is also listed in the same verse, emphasizing the importance of Pahath-moab’s family in the historical context of the Exile and Return.

During this period, Pahath-moab may have played a role in the restoration of Jerusalem and the reestablishment of the Jewish community in the land. His presence in the biblical narrative signifies the continuity of God’s plan for His people, even in times of exile and hardship.

In conclusion, Pahath-moab was a man of significance during the Exile and Return, known for his familial ties to Jeshua and Joab. His inclusion in the biblical record underscores the faithfulness of God in preserving and guiding His people through challenging times.

Ezra 2:6
Ezra 8:4
Ezra 10:30
Nehemiah 7:11

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